
To learn how to use MemTorch using interactive tutorials, and to reproduce simulations presented in ‘MemTorch: An Open-source Simulation Framework for Memristive Deep Learning Systems’ [1], we provide numerous Jupyter notebooks.

Jupyter Notebook Description Google Colab Link
Tutorial Introductory Tutorial- Start Here Open In Colab
Exemplar Simulations Various Exemplar Simulations, As Presented In [1] Open In Colab
Case Study (Legacy) An epileptic Seizure Detection Case Study Open In Colab
Novel Simulations (Legacy) Novel Simulations Using CIFAR-10 Open In Colab

The development of more Jupyter notebooks and tutorials is currently ongoing.

[1] C. Lammie, W. Xiang, B. Linares-Barranco, and Azghadi, Mostafa Rahimi, “MemTorch: An Open-source Simulation Framework for Memristive Deep Learning Systems,” arXiv.org, 2020. https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.10971. ‌