Source code for

import copy

import numpy as np
import torch

import memtorch
import memtorch_bindings

quant_methods = ["linear", "log"]

[docs]def quantize( tensor, quant, overflow_rate=0.0, quant_method=None, min=float("nan"), max=float("nan"), override_original=False, ): """Method to quantize a tensor. Parameters ---------- tensor : torch.Tensor Input tensor. quant : int Bit width (if quant_method is not None) or the number of discrete quantization levels (if quant_method is None). overflow_rate : float, optional Overflow rate threshold for linear quantization. quant_method : str, optional Quantization method. Must be in quant_methods. min : float or tensor, optional Minimum value(s) to clip numbers to. max : float or tensor, optional Maximum value(s) to clip numbers to. override_original : bool, optional Whether to override the original tensor (True) or not (False). Returns ------- torch.Tensor Quantized tensor. """ device = torch.device("cpu" if "cpu" in memtorch.__version__ else "cuda") assert ( overflow_rate >= 0 and overflow_rate <= 1 ), "overflow_rate must be >= 0 and <= 1." assert ( type(quant) == int and quant > 0 ), "The bit width or number of discrete quantization levels must be a positive integer." if type(min) == int: min = float(min) if type(max) == int: max = float(max) if not override_original: tensor = copy.deepcopy(tensor) tensor = tensor.cpu() if tensor.dtype != torch.float32 and tensor.dtype != torch.float64: tensor = tensor.float() if quant_method is not None: assert quant_method in quant_methods, "quant_method is invalid." memtorch_bindings.quantize( tensor, bits=quant, overflow_rate=overflow_rate, quant_method=quant_methods.index(quant_method), min=min, max=max, ) else: memtorch_bindings.quantize(tensor, n_quant_levels=quant, min=min, max=max) return