Source code for

import itertools
import math
import multiprocessing
from enum import Enum, auto, unique

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
import torch.multiprocessing as mp
import torch.nn as nn

import memtorch
from import Data_Driven2021

if "cpu" not in memtorch.__version__:
    import memtorch_cuda_bindings

from .Tile import gen_tiles

CUDA_supported_memristor_models = [Data_Driven2021]

[docs]@unique class Scheme(Enum): """Scheme enumeration.""" SingleColumn = auto() DoubleColumn = auto()
[docs]class Crossbar: """Class used to model memristor crossbars. Parameters ---------- memristor_model : Memristor model. memristor_model_params: **kwargs **kwargs to instantiate the memristor model with. shape : int, int Shape of the crossbar. tile_shape : int, int Tile shape to use to store weights. If None, modular tiles are not used. use_bindings : bool Used to determine if C++/CUDA bindings are used (True) or not (False). random_crossbar_init: bool Determines if the crossbar is to be initialized at random values in between Ron and Roff """ def __init__( self, memristor_model, memristor_model_params, shape, tile_shape=None, use_bindings=True, cuda_malloc_heap_size=50, random_crossbar_init=False, ): self.memristor_model_params = memristor_model_params self.time_series_resolution = memristor_model_params.get( "time_series_resolution" ) self.device = torch.device("cpu" if "cpu" in memtorch.__version__ else "cuda") self.tile_shape = tile_shape self.use_bindings = use_bindings self.cuda_malloc_heap_size = cuda_malloc_heap_size if hasattr(memristor_model_params, "r_off"): self.r_off_mean = memristor_model_params["r_off"] if callable(self.r_off_mean): self.r_off_mean = self.r_off_mean() else: self.r_off_mean = memristor_model().r_off if hasattr(memristor_model_params, "r_on"): self.r_on_mean = memristor_model_params["r_on"] if callable(self.r_on_mean): self.r_on_mean = self.r_on_mean() else: self.r_on_mean = memristor_model().r_on if len(shape) == 4: # and self.rows = shape[1] * shape[2] * shape[3] self.columns = shape[0] elif len(shape) == 3: # self.rows = shape[1] * shape[2] self.columns = shape[0] elif len(shape) == 2: # self.columns, self.rows = shape else: raise Exception("Unsupported crossbar shape.") self.rows = int(self.rows) self.columns = int(self.columns) if tile_shape is not None: self.tiles_map = None tiles_num = math.ceil(self.rows / tile_shape[0]) * math.ceil( self.columns / tile_shape[1] ) self.devices = np.empty( (tiles_num, tile_shape[0], tile_shape[1]), dtype=object ) self.devices.flat = [ memristor_model(**memristor_model_params) for _ in self.devices.flat ] if random_crossbar_init: self.conductance_matrix = torch.FloatTensor( np.random.uniform( 1 / self.r_off_mean, 1 / self.r_on_mean, size=(tiles_num, tile_shape[0], tile_shape[1]), ) ).to(self.device) else: self.conductance_matrix = torch.zeros( (tiles_num, tile_shape[0], tile_shape[1]) ) else: self.devices = np.empty((self.rows, self.columns), dtype=object) self.devices.flat = [ memristor_model(**memristor_model_params) for _ in self.devices.flat ] if random_crossbar_init: self.conductance_matrix = torch.FloatTensor( np.random.uniform( 1 / self.r_off_mean, 1 / self.r_on_mean, size=(self.rows, self.columns), ) ).to(self.device) else: self.conductance_matrix = torch.zeros((self.rows, self.columns)).to( self.device ) self.g_np = np.vectorize(lambda x: x.g) self.update(from_devices=False) self.max_abs_conductance = torch.abs(self.conductance_matrix).flatten()
[docs] def update(self, from_devices=True, parallelize=False): """Method to update either the layers conductance_matrix or each devices conductance state. Parameters ---------- from_devices : bool The conductance matrix can either be updated from all devices (True), or each device can be updated from the conductance matrix (False). parallelize : bool The operation is parallelized (True). """ if from_devices: self.conductance_matrix = torch.tensor(self.g_np(self.devices)).to( self.device ) self.max_abs_conductance = ( torch.abs(self.conductance_matrix).flatten().max() ) else: if parallelize: def write_conductance(device, conductance): device.set_conductance(conductance) np.frompyfunc(write_conductance, 2, 0)( self.devices, self.conductance_matrix.detach().cpu() ) else: if self.tile_shape is not None: for i in range(0, self.devices.shape[0]): for j in range(0, self.devices.shape[1]): for k in range(0, self.devices.shape[2]): self.devices[i][j][k].set_conductance( self.conductance_matrix[i][j][k].item() ) else: for i in range(0, self.rows): for j in range(0, self.columns): self.devices[i][j].set_conductance( self.conductance_matrix[i][j].item() )
[docs] def write_conductance_matrix( self, conductance_matrix, transistor=True, programming_routine=None, programming_routine_params={}, ): """Method to directly program (alter) the conductance of all devices within the crossbar. Parameters ---------- conductance_matrix : torch.FloatTensor Conductance matrix to write. transistor : bool Used to determine if a 1T1R (True) or 0T1R arrangement (False) is simulated. programming_routine Programming routine (method) to use. programming_routine_params : **kwargs Programming routine keyword arguments. """ if ( len(conductance_matrix.shape) == 3 or len(conductance_matrix.shape) == 4 ): #,, and conductance_matrix = conductance_matrix.reshape(self.columns, self.rows).T elif len(conductance_matrix.shape) == 2: # conductance_matrix = conductance_matrix.T.clone().detach().to(self.device) assert ( conductance_matrix.shape[0] == self.rows and conductance_matrix.shape[1] == self.columns ) else: raise Exception("Unsupported crossbar shape.") if self.tile_shape is not None: conductance_matrix, tiles_map = gen_tiles( conductance_matrix, self.tile_shape, input=False, use_bindings=self.use_bindings, ) self.tiles_map = tiles_map min = ( torch.tensor(1 / np.vectorize(lambda x: x.r_off)(self.devices)) .to(self.device) .float() ) max = ( torch.tensor(1 / np.vectorize(lambda x: x.r_on)(self.devices)) .to(self.device) .float() ) conductance_matrix = torch.max( torch.min(, max), min ) if transistor: self.conductance_matrix = conductance_matrix self.max_abs_conductance = ( torch.abs(self.conductance_matrix).flatten().max() ) self.update(from_devices=False) else: if ( self.use_bindings and type(self.devices.any()) in CUDA_supported_memristor_models and "cpu" not in memtorch.__version__ ): device_matrix = torch.FloatTensor(self.g_np(self.devices)) device_matrix_aug = device_matrix conductance_matrix_aug = conductance_matrix if ( len(device_matrix.shape) == 2 ): # To ensure compatibility with CUDA code device_matrix_aug = device_matrix[:, :, None] conductance_matrix_aug = conductance_matrix[:, :, None] self.conductance_matrix = memtorch_cuda_bindings.simulate_passive( conductance_matrix_aug, device_matrix_aug, self.cuda_malloc_heap_size, **programming_routine_params, **self.memristor_model_params ) self.max_abs_conductance = ( torch.abs(self.conductance_matrix).flatten().max() ) self.update(from_devices=False) else: assert ( programming_routine is not None ), "If memtorch_cuda_bindings.simulate_passive is not used, a programming routine must be provided." if self.tile_shape is not None: for i in range(0, self.devices.shape[0]): for j in range(0, self.devices.shape[1]): for k in range(0, self.devices.shape[2]): self.devices = programming_routine( self, (i, j, k), conductance_matrix[i][j][k], **programming_routine_params ) else: for i in range(0, self.rows): for j in range(0, self.columns): self.devices = programming_routine( self, (i, j), conductance_matrix[i][j], **programming_routine_params ) self.update(from_devices=True)
[docs]def init_crossbar( weights, memristor_model, memristor_model_params, transistor, mapping_routine, programming_routine, programming_routine_params={}, p_l=None, scheme=Scheme.DoubleColumn, tile_shape=(128, 128), use_bindings=True, cuda_malloc_heap_size=50, random_crossbar_init=False, ): """Method to initialise and construct memristive crossbars. Parameters ---------- weights : torch.Tensor Weights to map. memristor_model : Memristor model. memristor_model_params: **kwargs **kwargs to instantiate the memristor model with. transistor : bool Used to determine if a 1T1R (True) or 1R arrangement (False) is simulated. mapping_routine : function Mapping routine to use. programming_routine : function Programming routine to use. programming_routine_params : **kwargs Programming routine keyword arguments. p_l: float If not None, the proportion of weights to retain. scheme : Scheme enum. tile_shape : int, int Tile shape to use to store weights. If None, modular tiles are not used. use_bindings : bool Used to determine if C++/CUDA bindings are used (True) or not (False). random_crossbar_init: boolean Determines if the crossbar is to be initialized at random values in between Ron and Roff Returns ------- tuple The constructed crossbars and forward() function. """ assert scheme in Scheme, "scheme must be a Scheme Enum." weights_ = crossbars = [] reference_memristor_model_params = {**memristor_model_params, **{"reference": True}} reference_memristor_model = memristor_model(**reference_memristor_model_params) if scheme == Scheme.DoubleColumn: if len(weights.shape) == 5: # channel_idx = 0 for channel in range(weights.shape[1]): channel_weights = weights.detach().clone()[:, channel, :, :, :] crossbars.append( memristor_model, memristor_model_params, channel_weights.shape, tile_shape, use_bindings=use_bindings, cuda_malloc_heap_size=cuda_malloc_heap_size, random_crossbar_init=random_crossbar_init, ) ) crossbars.append( memristor_model, memristor_model_params, channel_weights.shape, tile_shape, use_bindings=use_bindings, cuda_malloc_heap_size=cuda_malloc_heap_size, random_crossbar_init=random_crossbar_init, ) ) pos_conductance_matrix, neg_conductance_matrix = mapping_routine( channel_weights, reference_memristor_model.r_on, reference_memristor_model.r_off, scheme=scheme, p_l=p_l, ) crossbars[channel_idx].write_conductance_matrix( pos_conductance_matrix, transistor=transistor, programming_routine=programming_routine, programming_routine_params=programming_routine_params, ) crossbars[channel_idx + 1].write_conductance_matrix( neg_conductance_matrix, transistor=transistor, programming_routine=programming_routine, programming_routine_params=programming_routine_params, ) channel_idx += 2 else: crossbars.append( memristor_model, memristor_model_params, weights.shape, tile_shape, use_bindings=use_bindings, random_crossbar_init=random_crossbar_init, ) ) crossbars.append( memristor_model, memristor_model_params, weights.shape, tile_shape, use_bindings=use_bindings, random_crossbar_init=random_crossbar_init, ) ) pos_conductance_matrix, neg_conductance_matrix = mapping_routine( weights_, reference_memristor_model.r_on, reference_memristor_model.r_off, scheme=scheme, p_l=p_l, ) crossbars[0].write_conductance_matrix( pos_conductance_matrix, transistor=transistor, programming_routine=programming_routine, programming_routine_params=programming_routine_params, ) crossbars[1].write_conductance_matrix( neg_conductance_matrix, transistor=transistor, programming_routine=programming_routine, programming_routine_params=programming_routine_params, ) def out(crossbars, operation, idx=(0, 1), **kwargs): assert ( len(idx) == 2 ), "idx must contain indicies of the positive and negative crossbars" return operation(crossbars[idx[0]], **kwargs) - operation( crossbars[idx[1]], **kwargs ) elif scheme == Scheme.SingleColumn: if len(weights.shape) == 5: # channel_idx = 0 for channel in range(weights.shape[1]): channel_weights = weights.detach().clone()[:, channel, :, :, :] crossbars.append( memristor_model, memristor_model_params, channel_weights.shape, tile_shape, use_bindings=use_bindings, random_crossbar_init=random_crossbar_init, ) ) conductance_matrix = mapping_routine( channel_weights, reference_memristor_model.r_on, reference_memristor_model.r_off, scheme=scheme, p_l=p_l, ) crossbars[channel_idx].write_conductance_matrix( conductance_matrix, transistor=transistor, programming_routine=programming_routine, programming_routine_params=programming_routine_params, ) channel_idx += 1 else: crossbars.append( memristor_model, memristor_model_params, weights.shape, tile_shape, use_bindings=use_bindings, random_crossbar_init=random_crossbar_init, ) ) conductance_matrix = mapping_routine( weights_, reference_memristor_model.r_on, reference_memristor_model.r_off, scheme=scheme, p_l=p_l, ) crossbars[0].write_conductance_matrix( conductance_matrix, transistor=transistor, programming_routine=programming_routine, programming_routine_params=programming_routine_params, ) g_m = ( (1 / reference_memristor_model.r_on) + (1 / reference_memristor_model.r_off) ) / 2 def out(crossbars, operation, idx=0, **kwargs): return operation(crossbars[idx], **kwargs) - g_m else: raise ("%s is not currently supported." % scheme) return crossbars, out
[docs]def simulate_matmul( input, crossbar, nl=True, tiles_map=None, crossbar_shape=None, max_input_voltage=None, ADC_resolution=None, ADC_overflow_rate=0.0, quant_method=None, use_bindings=True, ): """Method to simulate non-linear IV device characterisitcs for a 2-D crossbar architecture given scaled inputs. Parameters ---------- input : torch.Tensor Scaled input tensor. crossbar : Crossbar containing devices to simulate. nl : bool Use lookup tables rather than simulating each device (True). tiles_map: torch.Tensor Tiles map for devices if tile_shape is not None. crossbar_shape : int, int Crossbar shape if tile_shape is not None. max_input_voltage : float Maximum input voltage used to encode inputs. If None, inputs are unbounded. ADC_resolution : int ADC resolution (bit width). If None, quantization noise is not accounted for. ADC_overflow_rate : float Overflow rate threshold for linear quanitzation (if ADC_resolution is not None). quant_method: Quantization method. Must be in use_bindings : bool Used to determine if C++/CUDA bindings are used (True) or not (False). Returns ------- torch.Tensor Output tensor. """ devices = crossbar.devices if max_input_voltage is not None: output_max = crossbar.max_abs_conductance * max_input_voltage else: output_max = float("inf") del crossbar assert len(devices.shape) == 2 or len(devices.shape) == 3, "Invalid devices shape." device = torch.device("cpu" if "cpu" in memtorch.__version__ else "cuda") if quant_method is not None: assert ( ADC_resolution is not None and type(ADC_resolution) == int and ADC_resolution > 0 ), "ADC resolution is invalid." assert ( quant_method in ), "quant_method is not valid." assert ( ADC_overflow_rate is not None ), "ADC_overflow_rate must be specified if quant_method is not None." input_rows, input_columns = input.shape if len(devices.shape) == 2: devices_rows, devices_columns = devices.shape mat_res_ = torch.zeros((input_rows, devices_columns)).to(device) if nl: for i in range(input_rows): for j in range(devices_columns): for k in range(input_columns): mat_res_[i][j] += devices[k][j].g * input[i][k] else: for i in range(input_rows): for j in range(devices_columns): for k in range(input_columns): mat_res_[i][j] += ( devices[k][j] .simulate( torch.Tensor([input[i][k]]).cpu(), return_current=True ) .item() ) mat_res_ = torch.clamp(mat_res_, min=-output_max, max=output_max) if quant_method is not None: mat_res_ = mat_res_, quant=ADC_resolution, overflow_rate=ADC_overflow_rate, quant_method=quant_method, ) else: assert ( tiles_map is not None and crossbar_shape is not None ), "tiles_map is not None." tile_shape = devices.shape[-2:] input_tiles, input_tiles_map = gen_tiles( input, tile_shape, input=True, use_bindings=use_bindings ) mat_res_ = torch.zeros((input.shape[0], crossbar_shape[1])).to(device) def tile_simulate_matmul_row( input_row_tiles, input_tiles_map, devices, tiles_map, crossbar_shape, nl, ADC_resolution, ADC_overflow_rate, quant_method, ): device = torch.device("cpu" if "cpu" in memtorch.__version__ else "cuda") tile_shape = devices.shape[-2:] partial_sum = torch.zeros((tiles_map.shape[1], tile_shape[1])).to(device) for j in range(tiles_map.shape[1]): for i in range(tiles_map.shape[0]): tile_a = input_row_tiles[int(input_tiles_map[i])] if len(tile_a.shape) == 1: tile_a = tile_a.unsqueeze(0) tile_b = devices[int(tiles_map[i][j])] mat_res = torch.zeros((tile_a.shape[0], tile_b.shape[1])).to(device) for ii in range(tile_a.shape[0]): for jj in range(tile_b.shape[1]): for kk in range(tile_b.shape[0]): if nl: mat_res[ii][jj] += ( tile_a[ii][kk].item() * tile_b[kk][jj].g ) else: mat_res[ii][jj] += ( tile_b[kk][jj] .simulate( torch.Tensor([tile_a[ii][kk]]).cpu(), return_current=True, ) .item() ) mat_res = torch.clamp(mat_res, min=-output_max, max=output_max) if quant_method is not None: partial_sum[j] += mat_res.squeeze(), quant=ADC_resolution, overflow_rate=ADC_overflow_rate, quant_method=quant_method, ) else: partial_sum[j] += mat_res.squeeze() output_act = partial_sum.flatten() output_act = output_act[: crossbar_shape[1]] return output_act if input_tiles.shape[-2] > 1: for row_idx in range(input_tiles.shape[-2]): mat_res_[row_idx] = tile_simulate_matmul_row( input_tiles[:, row_idx, :], input_tiles_map, devices, tiles_map, crossbar_shape, nl, ADC_resolution, ADC_overflow_rate, quant_method, ) else: mat_res_ = tile_simulate_matmul_row( input_tiles, input_tiles_map, devices, tiles_map, crossbar_shape, nl, ADC_resolution, ADC_overflow_rate, quant_method, ) return mat_res_